And this year’s Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize goes to … Alli Marshall

Mountain Xpress is pleased to announce that this year’s winner of the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize is our very own Arts & Entertainment editor and writer, Alli Marshall. Her story, “Catching Out,” was selected by author and prize judge, Ron Rash. With over 200 stories submitted, this year’s contest also marks the highest number of […]

Author of Appalachia­n novel signs books at The Mother Earth News Fair

Becky Crabtree describes her debut novel as a mix of romance and mystery with life in a small farming town as a backdrop for the theme of good versus evil. Drunk on Peace and Quiet takes place in West Virginia, but the author says it’s relatable to anyone with knowledge of life in the Appalachian Mountains, “Their truck tags may be different colors, but the church bazaars, the yard sales, the church politics and the power of mountain women are pretty much identical.”

Faces in the crowd: WNC crowdfundi­ng initiative­s

Each week, Xpress highlights notable WNC crowdsourcing initiatives that may inspire readers to become new faces in the crowd. This week features a youth education group’s advancement into a multi-state robotics competition; local author Jason Chestnut’s dream to publish his debut novel; and A.C. Reynolds High School marching band’s quest to buy 25 additional uniforms.

Local businesses drive Asheville vibe

Walk any downtown Asheville street and you’re likely to encounter some quirky storefronts offering unusual products. Together, these “specialty shops” or boutiques, most of them locally owned businesses, are a key component of the city’s distinctive flavor, attracting thousands of tourists each year and helping fuel the economy.