A local country band is releasing its fifth album, but it’s the first under a new name: Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters. “As I’ve gotten more comfortable in my own skin and streamlined my musical intentions a bit, [using my name] has started to make more sense to me,” Platt explains. “My voice and my songs have been the constant defining element of the band, and I think that focusing on that frees us up (as a band) to grow without being tethered to a certain image or genre.” For now, the group still delivers its signature country sound on the album that bears its new name, which will be released June 9. The band celebrates that release with two shows at The Grey Eagle on Friday and Saturday, June 9 and 10, at 8 p.m. $15/$18. thegreyeagle.com. Photo by Jeff Fasano
Smart bets: Amanda Anne Platt & The Honeycutters

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