Futurebirds claim the Southern music capital of Athens, Ga., as their hometown. It was a century-old, repurposed Baptist church, just 20 minutes outside the city, that inspired their latest EP series. The two records, The Portico I and II (the second will be released in the new year), were recorded in the church and named in honor of it. The lead single, “Only Here for Your Love,” embodies the Southern gothic tradition present in both the chapel and Futurebirds’ music. With haunting harmonies, ghostly melodies on synthesized guitars, and the gentle timpani beat, their sound is indie-rock with country soul. Futurebirds will perform at The Grey Eagle on Friday, Dec. 30, at 9 p.m. $12/$15. thegreyeagle.com. Photo by David McClister
Smart bets: Futurebirds

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