The makers of Sex and How to Have It will add one more chapter to their how-to sketch comedy series before transplanting The Magnetic Theatre to its new River Arts District home in early 2015. Food and How to Eat It!, produced and directed by Steven Samuels, stars Magnetic veterans Katie Langwell, Valerie Meiss, Glenn Reed and the theater’s “latest loon,” Scott Fisher. Co-written by Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular contributor Lisa Yoffee and colleagues, this all-original theatrical escapade spoofs everything “from farmers’ markets to the trendiest restaurants, from your kitchen to test kitchens, from spaghetti and meatballs to tuna cones, and from pie-eating contests to monster food truck rallies.” Catch one of six wacky performances at the BeBe Theatre on Thursdays-Saturdays, Jan. 8-10 and 15-17, at 7:30 p.m. $18/$21. Photo courtesy of Magnetic Theatre
Smart bets: Magnetic Theatre’s Food and How to Eat It!

Thanks for this, Kat! One correction, though: Lisa worked a bit on this year’s Bernsteins show, but calling her one of its creators overstates the case. She was, however, a major force behind “Sex and How To Have It,” and has been critical to making “Food and How To Eat It” the smart, funny show it is.
Thanks for the clarification, Steven. I’ve corrected it to credit her as a contributor so people can still see another major production she’s worked on locally.
And the show has actually been written by Lisa and the performers, with a little assist from yours truly.
Also noted. Thanks!