Downtown restaurant Jerusalem Garden Café boasts a longtime history of combining belly dancing, music and full-service dining — always with an emphasis on improvisation. But instead of simply weaving around busy servers and parties of six, a troupe of Jerusalem Garden’s regular performers will soon have a slew of new objects to maneuver — snakes, scarves, swords and sitars to name a few. Twenty artists, “in combinations ranging from one dancer and one musician to six dancers and more than a dozen musicians,” will invoke the colorful sights and sounds of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern culture at a one-night-only gala performance. The Stars of Jerusalem Garden, which also features small plates and side dishes from the restaurant, takes place at White Horse Black Mountain on Thursday, March 12, at 7 p.m. $10/$12. Photo of Claire Dima by Mignon Petrini
Smart bets: The Stars of Jerusalem Garden

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