FEMA extends application deadline for North Carolinians affected by Tropical Storm Helene

Press release from FEMA:

HICKORY, N.C. –At the request of the state of North Carolina, Tropical Storm Helene survivors now have until March 8, 2025, to apply for assistance with FEMA.

With the extended deadline, FEMA still strongly urges survivors to apply as soon as possible. After the deadline of March 8, you may still submit documents, update your contact information and stay in contact with FEMA regarding your application, but you must apply before the deadline.

FEMA assistance may include funds for temporary housing such as rental assistance or reimbursement for hotel costs; funds to support the repair or replacement of a primary home, including privately-owned access routes, such as driveways, roads, or bridges; and funds for disaster-caused expenses, such as repair or replacement of personal property and vehicles, funds for moving and storage, medical, dental, child care and other miscellaneous items.

Homeowners and renters in Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Forsyth, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lee, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Nash, Polk, Rowan, Rutherford, Stanly, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Union, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin and Yancey counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians with uninsured losses from Tropical Storm Helene may apply for FEMA assistance.

There are several ways to apply:

  • Visit a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) To find the center location nearest you go to fema.gov/drc.
  • Go online to DisasterAssistance.gov.
  • Download the FEMA App for mobile devices.
  • Call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362 between 7 a.m. and midnight. Help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA your number for that service.


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