If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember the Russian proverb: “Doveryai, no proveryai,” trust but verify. When answering classified ads, always err on the side of caution. Especially beware of any party asking you to give them financial or identification information. The Mountain Xpress cannot be responsible for ensuring that each advertising client is legitimate. Please report scams to ads@mountainx.com

General Services

Maintaining your property is important for its longevity and curb appeal. JD Power Washing provides safe soft washing for your house, driveway, deck, and more. Driveway washes starting at only $125 and house washes starting at only $225. To fill out a free service request quote click (or copy/paste into browser) this link: https://clienthub.getjobber.com/client_hubs/fe3ca223-4548-4a81-a2cb-7a00d3c0c0c1/public/work_request/new?source=social_media