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The Divine Equine, LLC

Posted on
Jan. 29th

7/21-7/25 & 8/4-8/8 M-F, 10am-3pm, Kids ages 8-13yrs can experience how God speaks through horses while learning fun-damental horsemanship! With 15 yrs as a riding instructor in various disciplines and a 27yr follower of Jesus, I am grateful to share two passions infinitely weaved together. In a small group of 4-6, kids will learn research/experiential based horsemanship skills with two sweet lesson horses while experiencing the spiritual parallels throughout it all. Days will include group prayer + daily scriptures, meditation with the horses, illustrations/demonstrations for horse care and riding skills, time to get horses ready for the day with grooming and tacking, structured movement on the ground to warm-up our own bodies and the horses, "arena" riding with varied obstacle courses and games in an enclosed area, trail riding in the woods with meditative times, more games, and supervised "free" riding. Kids will of course have chill time to just hang with friends and horses while eating snacks/lunch and taking breaks when needed, all while experiencing the joy and peace in the Divine Equine! One of the many spiritual parallels shared throughout include the importance of being present through rhythmic breathing with horses and taking it to the next level while breathing in YahWeh, the literal breath of God, bringing us present with God anytime. Another is how we communicate with the horse through our energy, body language and artificial aids; the Holy Spirit communicates with us through...