Golden Blade III: Return of the Monkey’s Uncle

Movie Information

Walk-In Theater, sponsored by the merchants of the Bledsoe Building in West Asheville, will present Golden Blade III on Friday, July 11, at dusk in the parking lot behind the building. Admission is free, and as usual, patrons are asked to leave pets and coolers at home, but to bring lawn chairs.
Genre: Kung-Fu Action Spoof
Director: T. J. Wiedow
Starring: Spencer Bulletscheck, Megan Becker, Christy Blankenship, Brent White
Rated: NR

One of the most popular homegrown outbursts of filmmaking, T.J. Wiedow’s Golden Blade III: Return of the Monkey’s Uncle (2007), makes a return visit at Walk-In Theater this week. I’m not sure that a great deal more needs to be said. However, I did take another look at the film and was pleased to find that it does hold up on subsequent viewings. Wiedow’s great inspiration of making a virtue out of the limitations of low-budget filmmaking is still pretty delightful. The use of a ridiculously out-of-sync soundtrack with its guidebook phrase mishmash of Chinese and barely literate subtitles feels both authentic and preposterous. Wiedow’s strong sense of locations stands out, and his knack for skillful compositions adds interest to the proceedings and makes it all look better than it should. And really, who can resist a movie with a man in a gorilla suit with a human head? If you’ve never seen it, it’s certainly worth a look, especially if you’ve any interest in local filmmaking.

About Ken Hanke
Head film critic for Mountain Xpress from December 2000 until his death in June 2016. Author of books "Ken Russell's Films," "Charlie Chan at the Movies," "A Critical Guide to Horror Film Series," "Tim Burton: An Unauthorized Biography of the Filmmaker."

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6 thoughts on “Golden Blade III: Return of the Monkey’s Uncle

  1. Maple Syrup

    It’s a idiotic mess of local talent. Umm. Woody Allen did this in 1966 ‘What’s Up, Tiger Lily?’ and it was much better. Try a new schtick.

  2. Ray Gladney

    I’m not usually that interested in action movies but the plot and cast made this one that I could not turn away from. This was a low budget movie that looked as though they spent millions on it. The talent in this movie can not be denied. It was amazing and I was blown away. I hope that I will be able to catch more of these movies by T.J. Wiedow,he is truly gifted. All I can say is…… WOW. Great Movie!!!!!

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