Calling all babies! Mami, Mommy, Papi, Daddy, Tia, Tio, Auntie, Uncle — that orange man is scary! I don’t want him to be the boss of us! He’s mean.
Can you call Mr. [Mark] Meadows (828-693-5660, 202-225-6401); Mr. [Thom] Tillis (704-509-9087, 202-224-6342); Mr. [Patrick] McHenry (828-669-0600, 202-225-2576)? Ask them to do something. He should be in timeout! Make him go away!
On behalf of select babies in North Carolina,
— Leslie Gaidi
Sincin you be a claimin a sartain degree of suthrness in ur past postin, I be alertin yee to the idee that ar is a siderable degray of hair bin raised up onin thee backs of these hur suthrners in this hur lastin 3 yurs.
Suggist yee sider at ar remedyial cours in proper politicin in these hur parts , begannin with torow rvew of at ar feller Horowhitzzzzz reporte.
Furtrmor wee jist dont be a takin too kindely to bein a told hwat to doo nary beleeve.
All doo respict of coursin owed to yee.