I’m not sure if this is something other users will experience. But on my first water bill after Hurricane Helene, which I received Jan. 13, I got charged $336 for sewage treatment, making my water bill for January $475, something that I as an Uber driver receiving unemployment assistance won’t be able to pay.
I’m trying to call the Metropolitan Sewerage District to understand the charge, but I’m not able to connect with the person.
I don’t know if anyone else in your newspaper will experience the same, but it’s something to keep on the lookout for.
An update: MSD finally got back to me. Apparently the sewage is metered based on my water consumption, and since I’m a single person in the house, I questioned this abnormal spike, considering I had no leaks in the past months.
They contacted the water department and investigated my account and determined that my reading was incorrect. They will try to do a new reading of my meter and send a new bill.
I talked to a bunch of people, and they were all surprised by the amount they are paying on their water bills this cycle. Some people are paying over $500 total.
I’d still advise to call the agencies if someone believes they are being overcharged.
— Vitor Sa
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