Letter: Wells has proven record of service

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Terri Wells is a voice and choice we can trust  for Buncombe County commissioner, District 2. “Deep Roots, Broad Vision” is Terri’s slogan, and her leadership on the Board of Commissioners proves her slogan true. Her record demonstrates Terri’s dedication to the communities, lands and children of Buncombe County. As a ninth-generation dedicated member of the rural Sandy Mush community, Terri knows the strength of all our local communities and is ready to listen and support their expressed needs with resources.

Under her leadership, rural areas are being connected to high-speed internet, with projects underway in Leicester, Ox Creek, Reems Creek and Sandy Mush. As rural residents, we know that fast, reliable communication is crucial to working from home, running small businesses and pursuing education and telehealth. Terri’s decisive leadership has been critical for getting high-speed internet to these areas.

Terri champions public education, teachers and children, consistently voting for sensible funding increases for public education. She is currently working with the Swannanoa community to keep the Swannanoa Library open. Terri knows the importance of our local libraries for our children and for all of us.

Terri Wells knows that we in Buncombe County need open spaces, clean water and air in which to be well and thrive. She has joined commissioners to triple the conservation budget in Buncombe County and took the lead on a $30 million open-space bond that will conserve our working family farms and mountains, including the conservation of more than 300 acres of Deaverview Mountain, a natural area and open space that will eventually be made accessible to the public.

Terri Wells is a candidate who has a proven record of service to our communities, children, open spaces and farmlands. I will cast my vote for her in November with confidence and enthusiasm.

— Lorrie Jayne
Sandy Mush


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One thought on “Letter: Wells has proven record of service

  1. Voirdire

    Buncombe County needs Terri Wells ….her leadership has been invaluable.

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