“My granddaughter Kennedy and I have been adventuring around Western North Carolina for as long as she can remember.”

“My granddaughter Kennedy and I have been adventuring around Western North Carolina for as long as she can remember.”
“Ella at 7 loved the gentle rapids but yearned to be released from our ‘stay in the inner tube’ rule.”
Xpress readers and writers share their own true tales of adventure — from unexpected encounters with nature to wild career rides and more.
“Several months into what turned out to be a yearlong stint in Latin America, I ill-advisedly took it into my head to spend the night atop a highly active Guatemalan volcano.”
For five days, horsewoman Marianne Williams was living her dream of riding in what’s billed as the longest and most dangerous horse race in the world. That dream ended abruptly with a shattered collarbone and a flight back home. But for the Tryon adventurist, just participating in the Mongol Derby was a highlight of an […]
Whether you’re an avid outdoors person or just interested in the natural world, experiencing adventure on the big screen sounds pretty good this time of year.