Flood waters from Tropical Storm Helene decimated many of the City of Asheville’s premier outdoor athletic facilities, and officials don’t know when — or if — they will be repaired and restored.

Flood waters from Tropical Storm Helene decimated many of the City of Asheville’s premier outdoor athletic facilities, and officials don’t know when — or if — they will be repaired and restored.
Snorkel trail to put visitors face-to-face with underwater river dwellers.
GemFinding owner Chip Freeman hopes that the community will rally behind his last two river cleanups, taking place at Azalea Park on Saturday, Sept. 1, and Saturday, Sept. 15. “The cleanup depends on how many people we have there to tackle it,” he says. “You don’t have to come for four hours —if you pick up four or five pieces of trash, you’ve done something.”