Signed, “An Angry Teacher”

It is only decency that prevents me from using colorful metaphors to describe our state legislature’s assault on education and the environment while having the audacity to give themselves some hefty pay raises! Despite the veto of the recent budget proposal by the governor, the Republican-run legislature (along with some foolish Democrats) has succeeded in […]

One cent makes sense

The North Carolina General Assembly is the best money could buy. Sorrow lies in the fact that they are for the most part a group of ideologues who believe the political-ideology rhetoric that spews from their mouths. Their pockets are full while yours are empty. They have no concern for the future of the children […]

Thanks, North Carolina General Assembly

House Representatives, I'd like to thank you for putting rich white kids first in North Carolina with your vote on May 3. It's about time! I am so tired of these hardworking, poor and minority children who go to school everyday trying to make their lives better in the only safe environment they know. I […]

A bridge to Africa: Motherland Internatio­nal

There’s no shortage of disease and poverty in Africa. But for Christopher Keiser-Liontree—co-founder of Motherland International Relations—there’s another way to see the continent. Making connections: Christopher Keiser-Liontree (center-left), co-founder of Motherland International Relations, on his third trip to Ghana in 1998, where he was a facilitator with a group that built a Habitat for Humanity. […]

Teaching Jamaica’s teachers: WCU’s Jamaica Program

On the campus of Western Carolina University, it’s simply called “the Jamaica Program.” Graduation day: These students are graduates of Western Carolina University’s master of arts in education program with a concentration in college administration, which is based in Discovery Bay, Jamaica. The university has been involved in teaching Jamaica’s young teachers for four decades. […]