The theme of this year’s GeekOut is “Indie, Meet Tech.” It will showcase art that has a technological flair to its aesthetic. GeekOut begins Friday, Aug. 12, with a promenade and costume photo shoot at Pack Square.

The theme of this year’s GeekOut is “Indie, Meet Tech.” It will showcase art that has a technological flair to its aesthetic. GeekOut begins Friday, Aug. 12, with a promenade and costume photo shoot at Pack Square.
by John Granatino Here’s what TV would have us believe about geeks: They live sheltered lives away from the public eye, stay up all night reading “Firefly” forums and only visit each other under the fluorescent light of a “Star Trek” convention. But while they may actually do those things, today’s geeks (nerds, Trekkies, techies) […]
In advance of GeekOut Asheville, held June 6-8 at UNC Asheville’s Kimmel Arena, the annual GeekOut Promenade took to Pritchard Park. Photographer Cindy Kunst was there.
This weekend brings film, karaoke (for the bold), spoken word and more. As always, Xpress highlights the best in low-cost weekend entertainment.