“As existing neighborhoods with Asheville’s iconic tree canopy and low population density became saturated — more crowded, hotter, busier and therefore less desirable — property values would definitely drop, diminishing, as Paul wrote, the “pricing power that landowners wield,” but not before developers had made some significant pocket change.”
Tag: infill development
Showing 1-9 of 9 results
Let’s make the city’s pop-up parks permanent
“With the city bond proposal and some rigorous assertion of eminent domain, we could fight back against this myopic system and turn all these properties into permanent, beautiful parks — or some other development with big green spaces and little crowding.”
Letter: The empire strikes back
“’We must have ever more destruction of the environment to save it,’” chants the Kool-Aid quaffing Sierra Club.”
Letter: Business as usual won’t help our community
“Business as usual is not going to take us where we need to go as a community resilient to the worsening effects of climate change or one that strives for economic justice for those who live and work here.”
Letter: Overlooking the elephants in Asheville’s room
“Take, for instance, objections recently raised in the Mountain Xpress to increased housing density, open-space reduction and infill construction.”
Letter: Standing up for efforts of local Sierra Club
“So, sorry, but local development will proceed, and my view is that our city and county are doing all that they can to preserve our unique local identity and still allow for affordable housing, environmental protections, family farm protections and all of the many factors that make WNC a place in which we want to live.”
A Devil’s Dictionary of Development
“When The Market is ‘up,’ sacrifices of mature trees, wild animals and poor people must be offered in order to win Its favor.”
Letter: Infill development presents problems for urban place zoning ideas
“Frankly, New Urbanism is not viable for many areas of Asheville that would involve an infill development process versus beginning with a virtual tabula rasa — a clean slate on all key levels: land planning, transportation infrastructure, environmental engineering, etc.”
Letter writer: Environmentally friendly builder faces vandalism
“I want to urge anyone who still has issues with our development of the land on Shelburne Drive to talk to us about your concerns rather than anonymously trespass and damage our property.”