New lead-testing rules due to take effect Feb. 10 have local booksellers, toy retailers, crafters and even libraries struggling to understand what the regulations mean for them. Ruled out?: Leslie Hawkins, owner of Spellbound Children’s Bookshop on Wall Street in downtown Asheville, worries that new lead-testing regulations could her force her out of business. Photo […]
Tag: lead testing
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Lead testing rules under Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
New lead testing rules set to take effect Feb. 10 have local book sellers, toy retailers, crafters and even libraries scrambling to understand how the rules apply to them. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act imposes stringent new lead testing rules on all products made for children 12 and under. The regulations affect businesses that […]

Enforcement of new lead testing rules halted for one year
The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission on Friday agreed to wait one year before enforcing new lead testing rules for the makers and importers of products for children 12 and under. The law, set to take effect Feb. 10, has had Asheville area book sellers, toy retailers, crafters and even libraries worried about the rules’ impact on them.

New lead-testing rules concern local crafters, children’s retailers, bookstores
New lead-testing rules set to take effect Feb. 10 have local book sellers, toy retailers, crafters and even libraries scrambling to understand how the rules apply to them.