On July 1, the window in which to end a pregnancy in North Carolina narrowed. Senate Bill 20 criminalizes abortion after 12 weeks of gestation with few exceptions and places additional requirements on women seeking abortions.

On July 1, the window in which to end a pregnancy in North Carolina narrowed. Senate Bill 20 criminalizes abortion after 12 weeks of gestation with few exceptions and places additional requirements on women seeking abortions.
Rape cases result in convictions only 3 percent of the time, and when they do, a light sentence can add to the trauma many victims experience.
Once you see someone suffering through a flashback, you never forget it. It isn’t like a dream. You can’t shake them out of it; you can only watch. A close friend of mine went through this again and again for three years after he was raped at the age of 15, and he was afraid to […]
Two screenings of the film The Invisible War will focus on the systemic problem of rape in the military. Local veteran Mary Joan Dickson (not pictured), was featured in the film and has made it her mission to shed light on the issue.
Men pranced around in pumps and stilettos downtown Sunday to raise awareness about sexual assault, violence, and rape. OurVOICE hosted the event to film a promotional video for their third Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, which takes place April 28.
What happens when allegations of serious crimes go public via social-media? Asheville grappled with that complicated question this week, and the answers are still coming in.
Lewis Kyle Wilson, an Asheville man charged with kidnapping and brutally assaulting a prostitute, has plead guilty to lesser assault and drug charges.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Our VOICE, Buncombe County’s rape crisis center, has planned a host of events. The group served more than 1,000 individuals last year with counseling and crisis intervention, case management, medical and court accompaniment, and prevention and education programming. The message? Join the community in raising our voice against […]
Asheville resident Lewis Kyle Wilson, charged with the brutal assault and kidnapping of a prostitute, has been dubbed a “person of interest” in a 2006 murder and several similar attacks. Search warrants reveal details about this case, while people who know him shine light on community reactions. Warning: this material is extremely graphic.
In a change of budget and policy, the state will now provide payment for the costs of rape kit exams, which were previously billed to victims.
Rape victims across North Carolina must pay for their own medical examinations, including the “rape kit” utilized to gather criminal evidence.