A list of resources for dealing with tenant issues, including mold. These government agencies and private organizations may be able to provide legal assistance or professional censure.
Tag: renters rights
Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Off the records: no easy way to access Asheville’s housing complaints
Concerns about substandard rental housing in Asheville are nothing new. But assessing the extent of the problem has proved to be a slippery slope: Although tenant complaints are a matter of public record, there's no easy way to access or search them.

Breaking the mold: complaints spotlight Asheville’s rental housing issues
Multiple complaints about mold, rot, and other woes at a Merrimon Avenue apartment complex earlier this year casts doubt on the ability of local governments to deal with what many see as a serious health issue, leaving tenants feeling powerless to get their grievances addressed. And with the Asheville area having some of the highest housing costs in the state and one-third of its working population earning low wages, many local renters face similar issues.