“Remember — your vote is your voice, and we want to make sure all voices are heard.”
Tag: voting
Showing 1-21 of 75 results
Letter: Democracy is at stake in Supreme Court case
“The North Carolina legislature contends that the ‘manner’ implies that the legislature without state court interference can independently determine how districts are drawn, and in an election, how votes are counted, recorded and certified.”
Letter: Vote for election integrity
” House Bill 396 … aims to repeal North Carolina’s participation in ERIC. This is a bad idea!”
Letter: Women need to use their voting power
“We women have to wake up and use our voting power to support what we need. This is clearly the way to protect the future.”
Letter: One-party rule in Buncombe?
“I’ve also noticed the same complaints year in and year out — high cost of living, low-paying jobs, lack of good jobs, homelessness, etc. And yet, for some reason I can’t begin to fathom, the same people and the same party keep getting reelected.”
Letter: A threat to our voting rights
“Our courts and not local politicians need to make the decisions as to whether submitted district voting maps are fair.”
Letter: Choice rally offers self-defeating option
“The core of any democracy is participation by we the people in stating our preferences through the ballot box.”
Letter: Ranked choice voting better represents voters
“Did you know that when RCV (ranked choice voting) is used, candidates can win only when they receive more than half the votes?”
A closer look at WNC’s unaffiliated voters
North Carolina voters can register with one of three political parties — Republican, Democratic and Libertarian — or as unaffiliated. The last has become an increasingly popular option, both in WNC and across the state.
Letter: Please don’t vote
“Asheville needs better representation that represents the values of the people living here, and as long as people vote party over policy, there won’t be a government here that actually feels responsible to the demands of the people rather than the party.”
Letter: Local leaders must pay attention
“He did an excellent job in calling our attention to the wrongheadedness and shortsightedness that have turned our beloved town into a tourist mecca rather than a community that works for its residents.”
Quo vadis, Asheville? City at crossroads must find its way
“Perhaps slash-and-burn capitalism has succeeded in changing Asheville where Raleigh hasn’t.”
In 2020, readers sounded off about politics, COVID-19, race and more
“What issues did Xpress readers feel passionate enough about to write letters to the editor or commentaries during a year that promises to go down in history?”
Letter: Take the time for a hand recount
“With this unusual high-absentee ballot election and with large opportunities for fraud — every effort must be made to assure voters of election integrity.”
Letter: Thoughts on voting and capitalism
“We’re all children in this universe and, like all good care units, we are to heal the sick — not elect them.”
Letter: Urge leaders to defend our democracy
“Send a message asking for every vote to be counted to every elected official you can think of.”
VoteAVL strives to make voting information more relevant and accessible
“VoteAVL is an Asheville-focused campaign that seeks to inspire and inform groups that have faced barriers to voting.”
From NC Health News: How do you vote if you live in a nursing home? It can be complicated.
An octogenarian’s story shows the many obstacles to voting in long-term care facilities in 2020.
Letter: Protections make sure your vote is secure
“Much effort has been put into making sure our elections are fair and secure. Please vote.”
Buncombe County Election Services gears up for 2020 voting crunch
With fewer than seven weeks left until Election Day, the team at Buncombe County Election Services is prepared to ensure that every county resident can vote safely and securely.
Start planning now for November vote
“But whatever you decide, please don’t let anything stop you from voting!”