Urgent warning to Cecil Cantrell

A few day ago I received an "URGENT WARNING! Please read!" ad in my snail-mail. Opening it, the ad was titled, "Who is Cecil Bothwell?" Could it be a "Get to know your City Council Candidate" flier? No, it turned out instead to be an attack ad prattling on and on, spouting misquotes and misinformation, […]

I love the sound of loud motorcycle­s

Seriously … it's not loud motorcycles that are creating traffic hazards and unpleasantness. It's not motorcycles that are being built on the mountains and destroying the beauty of this region. It's not loud motorcycles that are crowding us with obnoxious, aggressive behavior. I love the sound of loud motorcycles. To me it is the sound […]

Thanks for the real URTV story

Many thanks are in order to you and [A&E Editor] Rebecca Sulock for sharing URTV's real story with the community ["You Make It, They Air It," Oct. 14]. As you can see, URTV is community, and is the community's story. Ordinary citizens, your neighbors, spend many volunteer hours building relationships with fellow videographers, community-based organizations, […]

Your weird news sickened me

I have a comment regarding one of the stories in the News of the Weird [Oct. 14 issue]. Being a father of a two, a 21-month-old boy and 7-month-old girl, I was horrified by a story. It was in reference to a mother in Texas who left her children aged 6, 5 and 1-year-old at […]

Asheville City Council approves Transit Master Plan (Citizen-reported via Twitter)

Asheville City Council votes 6-1 to accept Transit Master Plan, tweets Xpress reporter Brian Postelle. Council will hear implementation options at its January retreat. “OK, TMP fans,” tweets an ebullient @ashevillebus, “It’s time to start lobbying council to find the money to fund the plan.” Council also voted to postpone for one week the cancellation of the Asheville-Weaverville route.