“I think they should worry about getting the money for the schools back to normal and luring big companies to relocate here.”

“I think they should worry about getting the money for the schools back to normal and luring big companies to relocate here.”
“The team of workers has been compassionate, kind, helpful, supportive, responsive and organized during our months of the Helene recovery experience.”
“The opportunities an urban forest affords are in fact far more than the limited scope other development opportunities may have.”
“I believe it is up to the taxpaying residents of the county to hold the commissioners and the county manager accountable for every dollar they spend.”
“Our property is off Bearwallow Road, and logging could be our solution. We have 5 acres, all with downed trees.”
Readers respond to the question of how prayer or intention has helped them make it through periods of great physical pain.
“While we all want these roads rebuilt, it’s important to ensure that we build them safely and correctly.”
“Here is a much-needed reminder on merging.”
“’The Gospel According to Jerry’ has informed, inspired and enlightened me to a rich history of this place from a perspective not often shared.”
“He told me that he was relentlessly bullied as a child and swore that if he ever had the chance, he would do everything in his power to make sure that no other person had to feel that way.”
“The BCS system is simply far too wide, and as locals, we’re aware that it might be snowy and icy 15 minutes from the heart of Asheville and not at all in Asheville proper.”
“Do we alter our behavior so the disasters happen less frequently? Do we care about the fragility of our environment that we are a part of?”
“In the distance, I could see the demarcation line of destruction above 3,000 feet where wind shear took down most of the big trees. This was a gut punch.”
“He always wanted what was best for the community, but like me, he felt that local government often overstepped its bounds, and he didn’t mind letting you know how he felt.”
“As the piece noted, Jerry’s ‘healthy dose of humor’ came shining through, as well as his decades of wide experience.”
“Over the decades, thousands of residents from Five Points, Montford and beyond have enjoyed this forest as a local green reprieve from our urban stressors.”
“The engineers could give the Asheville City Council and county Board of Commissioners some excellent advice on how to rebuild Asheville and how to prevent our major rivers from overflowing and causing major catastrophic damage again.”