Traffic-calming measures aren’t perfect, but they meet an important need

I am sympathetic to some of the concerns expressed by the irate letters bewailing the traffic barriers erected on Kimberly Avenue. Perhaps the design could have been better thought out, or maybe the curbs are not visible enough. However, these complaints, paradoxically, are an unintended argument for the traffic islands. Just substitute pedestrian or bicyclist […]

Why Cape gets our write-in votes

I have worked with Robin Cape and am excited that she wants to continue as Councilwoman. She has a unique ability to listen well in order to respond creatively and thoughtfully to constituent concerns. With her understanding of the issues, she is working to find common ground for achieving a sustainable future for Asheville. Write […]

Pharmaceutical-lobby letter sings Shuler’s praises — but it’s a sleazy song

Congressman Shuler likes to pretend that his rigid stand against health-care reform is a matter of principle, but a recent campaign mailing suggests otherwise. In a postcard sent to his constituents last week, Shuler is quoted bragging about his struggle against fundamental reform but also vowing to keep Medicare costs low for seniors. What he […]

Out-of-control national debt? Don’t look at Obama and Pelosi

Here in WNC, we have been hearing much from local Republicans, conservatives and the always-charming Carolina Stompers warning us that the USA is on the road to fiscal disaster. Our conservative Democratic congressman, Heath Shuler, voted against the economic stimulus and will likely vote against health-care reform because of budgetary concerns. Most conservatives blame Barack […]

WNC News Roundup

Here’s a look at what’s making headlines around Western North Carolina: The Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre must raise $80,000 to stay alive; a Black Mountain institution is closing; a controversial concrete plant in Madison County has won approval; Haywood County says goodbye to boot-maker Wellco; area residents remember the devastation of flooding five years ago; Lake Lure will remember Patrick Swayze; and more.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Four star forgettabl­es

A few days ago I happened to see a picture of LBJ on TV. For whatever reason, the image called to mind a dialogue exchange between John (Bruce Greenwood) and Bobby (Stephen Culp) Kennedy in Roger Donaldson’s Thirteen Days (2001). There’s no great significance in this—except that it’s the only thing I clearly remember from the film. I also remembered that I’d reviewed it, been favorably impressed and gave it four stars. Did it deserve those four stars?

Slain woman’s DNA not found on evidence

DNA testing completed in March showed that hair and teeth taken from the home of Lewis Kyle Wilson last November do not match that of slain prostitute Kelly Lane Smith, Asheville police revealed recently. Wilson had been named a “person of interest” in the 2006 murder, and he remains in jail on charges of brutally assaulting and kidnapping a prostitute in an unrelated case.