
Xam Xam, chocolate-shop worker How has the recession affected you? “Well, yesterday I was completely broke and out of food stamps, so I had to borrow some food from a neighbor.” What are you doing to deal with it? “I just got a job, at Kilwin’s Chocolates. I’m living as cheaply as I can, finding […]

Banding together

The Burton Street neighborhood has changed a lot since DeWayne Barton was a boy. “All this used to be a wooded area,” he says, motioning toward a line of houses adjoining the neighborhood’s community garden. “The whole place used to be like a little forest. I remember, growing up, I would play out here, only […]

Local nonprofit wins grant to help minority cancer patients

African-Americans are roughly twice as likely as other Buncombe County residents to suffer from diabetes, prostate cancer and breast cancer, Elaine Robinson reports. And as executive director of the Asheville-Buncombe Institute of Parity Achievement, she’s trying to do something about it. Since its inception five years ago, the organization has worked to address such local […]

Thinking broadly

The push to expand broadband Internet access in and around Asheville may be building steam, thanks to federal stimulus money. Mayor Terry Bellamy is meeting with state representatives and looking for ways to use money made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help make it happen. In April, Bellamy was invited to […]

Back Track

Sixteen years ago, Charlotte- and Asheville-based rock band, Charlie’s On Acid, was at the top of its game. The band’s members appeared as Hangman’s Joke, the backing band to Brandon Lee’s rocker character in The Crow. Then, Lee (son of action star Bruce Lee) was accidentally killed during filming in Wilmington. “Back when it was […]

The one who “transfigu­res American music”

Will Oldham, the Palace/Palace Music/Palace Brothers chameleon, who has been releasing a series of stunning albums and weird EPs since 1999’s I See A Darkness under the Bonnie Prince Billy moniker, will be making a rare Asheville stop in support of his excellent new album, Beware (Drag City). Someday Bonnie Prince will come: Fans have […]


The Urban Loft + Art Tour sponsored by the Asheville Art Museum last week provided an interesting glimpse at the lifestyles and interiors of Asheville’s downtown dwellers. The apartments and condos that rise above this little city provide some breathtaking views, and it’s hard to not feel a hint of envy at the plebian’s limited […]


There’s so much to spork this week, you better start shovelin’. We got big news and it might take an extra tine or two to get it all in. Photographer George Masa’s early 20th-century photos of the Great Smoky Mountains must be seen at the Asheville Art Museum before July 5. Filmmaker Paul Bonesteel, who […]

Outdoors: Guide me

I admit it: I’m guilty of not getting enough dirt on my boots so far this season. Despite ambitious winter-laid plans, I’ve not explored anything much wilder than a few garden trails at The North Carolina Arboretum and the sidewalks of West Asheville this spring. That’s far short of my intention to visit lookout towers […]


Flavor: Inventive continental Ambiance: White tablecloths, a piano player and the region’s longest wine list Price: $10-$39 Where: 290 Macon Ave. Contact: 252-2711 Hours: Mon.-Thu., 6 -9 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 6-9:30 p.m. Even the oysters at Horizons have come out of their shells. I can’t recall if Horizons, the Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa’s signature […]

Espalier: the Frenchman’­s bonsai

I’ve always had a fascination with plants that have been manipulated by man. At one time in my life, I had a collection of at least 25 shallowly rooted plants, procured in the wild and at nurseries and chosen as the most grotesque and malformed specimens I could find for bonsai culture. Well-trained and fruitful: […]

Seeking nonviolent solutions to gangs

I am responding to the article featured on your “Gangland” cover [“Putting in Work,” May 6]. The article pointed out that the shared “knowledge factor” of crime among gang members on a national level makes them more of a problem than individuals because they help to train one another with a best-method approach. We should […]

When will they ever learn?

News that the city of Asheville is negotiating with the McKibbon Hotel Group to build a seven-story hotel in front of St. Lawrence Basilica is disheartening, to say the least. Was it only three years ago that public outcry helped kill a high-rise parking-deck plan on the same site? We were short of downtown parking […]

Threatenin­g Guastavino­’s rose

The power brokers of Asheville are at work again. If you thought the only indignities left to tarnish the most important building remaining in the city consist of graffiti, traffic, bad condo design and poor sanitation, take a look at the out-sized hotel under construction on the former Chamber of Commerce site, just down the […]

Mixing bikes, kids and cars

With the warm weather come more children playing outside and riding bikes in the street. I live off of a road that is not only busy but also narrow, windy and steep. While some drivers take care to drive slowly, there are many who tear down the road with no regard for other vehicles, much […]