Outdoors: Women on the wall

Ten minutes into my first climb, my left hamstrings are singing and my right buttock’s cramping, but I’m not about to stop: My motto is, “I can’t leave here tonight until I clean that line.” Enter the cave: Participants at ClimbMax’s women-only night look on as Courtney Johnson navigates the cave like Spider-Woman. Photo by […]

The Dirt: Perenniall­y divided

My recent article on redoing my cottage garden (“The Aging Ageless Jardin,” March 25 Xpress), prompted lots of phone calls, e-mails and texts (sorry—I don’t answer those) all delivering the same message: Please don’t destroy your cottage garden! But, they went on, if you’re so heartless as to continue with your plan, well, what are […]

Take care of Rumbling Bald’s rareties

We appreciate Julie Tracey’s article on climbing in Hickory Nut Gorge [“Moving on Up,” Outdoors, April 22] and are generally supportive of responsible climbing. A clarification is appropriate, however, about Rumbling Bald. The majority of Rumbling Bald is private property. The Nature Conservancy purchased it in 2001, first and foremost because it is a nationally […]

Power from a sacred trust

With climate change hovering over us like a sword of Damocles, how we produce electricity has become critical. Burning fossil fuels is the most damaging way to get our power, since that produces CO2. And the power we use in North Carolina comes chiefly from coal, most of which comes from dynamiting mountaintops in neighboring […]

Which state was that again?

On Friday, April 24, I was at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Governors’ Proclamation ceremony, representing the Carolina Mountain Club—but Gov. Bev Perdue, my governor, was not there. It was a bad call and mistake on her part. This park is not just an outdoor destination, but also an economic engine for our state. […]

This good deed goes noticed

I’m writing about a man who was walking along Biltmore Avenue by the Biltmore Fitness Center at around 3:45 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22. I was on a treadmill by the window when he came by and stopped to pick up some trash along the street. I watched as he then crossed Biltmore Avenue, deposited […]

Small Bites

Mayfel’s: While Mayfel’s commitment to supporting local animal-welfare organizations is probably lost on even the smartest of canines, Spot’s sure to appreciate the complimentary dog treats available weekly on the downtown-Asheville restaurant’s patio (pictured). According to office manager Suzie Corr, diners are encouraged to bring their dogs to the restaurant’s “Dog Days of Summer” promotion, […]

If at first you don’t secede

The governor of Texas recently spoke approvingly of the possibility of seceding. Frankly, my dears (and admittedly, I may be showing my Yankee roots here), if I were President Obama, and the governor clearly asserted secession or independence, I would take just the opposite tack of Republican Lincoln—if for no other reason than the element […]

Free speech can be tolerant

I was talking to a friend about my video project “My Marshall,” which was about to air on URTV, and how excited I was. Even though the piece was uninspiring and probably boring, that was unimportant. What was important was the chance to communicate to my friends and strangers a little of what I see […]

Fighting back

Bill O’Reilly’s recent denunciation of Appalachian-Americans on FOX News is only the latest example of the widespread, multigenerational problem of Appalachian hillbilly stereotypes. Quite simply, O’Reilly once again reminded the world that Appalachian mountain natives are the only group in America that many people still have the audacity to publicly ridicule as being ignorant—and worse. […]


Parallel lines never cross, though they may run close together without touching. But what I truly love are the meeting points where the lines find each other: the intricate play of tree branches; the light woven in and through the fibers of a tapestry or shimmering in water. Playful circles overlap, and suddenly an integrated […]

Reducing flu risk can start with diet

On April 30, the World Health Organization *ratcheted up the threat alert for the swine flu epidemic to Phase 5 (out of 6). Its H1N1-type virus is nearly identical to that of the Spanish flu, which killed more than 50 million people in 1918-19. Today’s factory farms constantly expose sick, crowded, highly stressed animals to […]


A crowd of about 40 have come out to BoBo Gallery on this windy April evening. It is the usual eclectic scene one expects at this art gallery of a meeting place at the top of Lexington Ave. Some sip wine, others swill beer, while I snag a pint of water and duck into the […]