Review of Asheville Vaudeville

Asheville’s got talent far out of proportion to the size of its population. Our lovely town’s got the market in eccentricity pretty much cornered, too. Asheville’s also got a generous heart, and its audiences are warm and indulgent. Put them all together and you’ve got Asheville Vaudeville, the latest entry in a burgeoning world of live, variety entertainment.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler Dec. 9-15:  Frogs, soccer and rugby

Perhaps because I’ve already seen The Damned United and Invictus (reviews for both are in this week’s paper), this seems like a very light week, especially this close to Christmas. Once you cross those off the list—and you really shouldn’t, especially The Damned United—the only big release you’re left with is Disney’s The Princess and the Frog.

Be Love fashion show

Artist/dsigner Rachel Stack of Red Moon Rising Studios held the opening of her Be Love show at Ananda. Stack makes two-dimsensional art prints; she also creates body conscious clothing onto which she often sews or silk screens her trademark trilobite and marionette designs. Instead of a typical runway show, the Be Love opening included an […]