Have an opinion, and make sure it’s heard

The number of casualties in Iraq reached 3,197 U.S. military as of March 16, [with] an estimated 59,000 to 66,000 Iraqi civilian deaths. The 4-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq passed on March 19. On March 20, I participated in an anti-war walkout.

Many adults I know have opinions of my generation that are less than favorable. One that stands out most is that we are passive and ignorant. My goal with this walkout was to prove that students can be informed, politically active and help make an impact in our community. This walkout was not a “get-out-of-school-free pass.” This was a politically and morally motivated act. Everyone who participated feels passionately about how unjust this war is.

I have a friend who has lost her father in Iraq. There is nothing that can bring her father home, but she can help prevent other families from having to know that pain. She has her voice and the support of her friends. This is something that everyone has—it’s just a matter of choosing to use it or not. I encourage other members of my generation to get informed, have an opinion and make sure it’s heard.

One thing that I have taken away from this experience is that your life cannot be summed up by a transcript or any other piece of paper; it is summed up by the people you affect and the experiences that help further your growth as a person. This demonstration has only strengthened my values and opinions, and I am fully aware that now I have to take responsibility for my actions. After all, that is the entire point of civil disobedience. The 25 other students and I now have been suspended for two days, but it has not discouraged our efforts. If you are at loss for inspiration, I encourage you to read “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau. It’s a wonderful motivator.


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