As a retired, progressive female, I would love to see a woman president. But is Hillary’s sniper-fire tale a blatant lie or delusion? Obama demonstrated judgment and courage in opposing this war. His genealogical tree includes six presidents: Bush I and II, Ford, Johnson, Truman and Hamilton—who authored our Constitution. That’s reassuring after Reverend Wright’s condemnation of America’s more distasteful attitudes and government screwups.
But are religious leaders supposed to be cheerleaders for the actions of their nation, regardless of their personal ideology? Right-wing reverends have forever been threatening God’s damnation of America for allowing homosexuality and abortion.
As for Obama’s patriotism? In actual devastation to our society and economy, I believe the two most traitorous acts in the history of this nation were committed by our two most recent presidents. Bill Clinton’s unfair trade policies opened the floodgates to allow our wealth to pour out and the Third World’s poverty to flood in, while his “fast tracking” trade with China greatly enriched and empowered Communism while desperately weakening the United States. And Bush’s unwarranted Iraq war enriched war profiteers, multiplying the value of Cheney’s stock options in Halliburton while bankrupting America. Despite her denial, the record proves that Hillary backed these disasters.
— Nancy Khoury
Nancy Khoury makes some important points here. The Clinton administration’s triangulation strategy of polarizing the opposition, then adopting their policies as their own has caused a great deal of harm.
As Nancy notes, this is particularly evident in the right wing trade deals that were pushed through without adequate protections for workers and the environment. The trade bills could have been used to lift the world up, instead they pulled us all down.
It should be noted that the recent release of Hillary Clinton’s first lady records prove that during the Clinton administration, she personally fought opposition to NAFTA from environmental and worker’s rights organizations.
I can’t understand how Hillary retains any credibility. Roger Moore, in his appearance on Larry King last night, gave his reasons for not endorsing Hillary. He politely failed to mention that she lied about ducking sniper fire in Bosnia, and lied about brokering peace in Ireland, and lied about creating the S-Chip legislation. However, in addition to her supporting further and expanded wars in the Middle East, he brought up NAFTA and another crucial point buried deep by our corporate controlled national media. Bill Clinton signed into law the initial Right Wing legislation that turned our public airwaves over to corporate interests. He knew that it’s a NECESSARY step in a democracy, to inhibit the dissemination of ACCURATE information when transforming that democracy into the world’s major feedlot filled with ignorant beasts stumbling around blindly, chowing down on empty calories and blowing their slave wages on an endless torrent of gadgets specifically designed for rapid obsolecence to further enrich corporations. And if I, an ignorant office worker, was aware of the trade debate points before the advent of the Clintons’ FREE TRADE, being a Rhode Scholar, Bill most certainly was. He knew that transporting a garment from India or an apple from New Zealand or water from France requires much more fuel than when supplied locally, multiplying global pollution and greatly accelerating global warming. Yet he pushed relentlessly to that end. “Evil” doesn’t begin to describe the work of the Clintons. They absolutely despise us common folk and those who still support Hillary are in GRAVE denial.