Dr. Mumpower, I presume

Actually, I presumed wrong in the past—based on the nearly unanimous attacks I read on Carl Mumpower in the “liberal media.” He was merely a cartoon to me. So thanks very much for showing someone I, too, would enjoy having for a friend, just like his other liberal friends. Because the guy has Integrity. Plus, he readily considers as one of his very best friends someone who won’t vote for him. That sounds like something Lincoln would do, and I never would have made that comparison until your story.

I won’t vote for him either, but I do feel a connection to him. For I, too, have deep values and a sense of mission in life. So Carl, if you’re reading this, here’s some advice that helped me a lot. Forget your mission; just focus on living—and being—your values. And guess what? When you do that, your mission takes care of itself. You get to where you want to go. But as long as you feel pushed to spread your cause, you hold yourself back. (Admittedly, it’s very hard for a Sagittarius to put down his bow and arrow.)

I’m not saying get out of politics or don’t actively work for what you believe in. Just don’t make it a cause—make it who you are. And resources will come to you, both inner and outer, that you never thought possible. You’ll know you’re in that space when you’re breathing like a baby, every single breath. Best of luck!

—  Art Rubin


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6 thoughts on “Dr. Mumpower, I presume

  1. Art Rubin

    You’re absolutely right, Tim. That’s exactly what it is. And it works!

  2. john

    My Art, aren’t you tolerant! To actually ‘accept’ an avowed evil conservative, publically, in the pages of the Mountain Xpress! Oh my! What a courageous example for Asheville to follow. I have a suggestion for you, seeing as how you felt the need to give Carl a jumble of un-asked-for patronizing advice: Perhaps Carl doesn’t need your advice. Carl is the one with the balls to run for public office, all the while being ridiculed by idiots–not you. Carl is the one tolerant enough to have liberal friends. What about you? How many consevatives do you actually know? How many do you actually have as active friendships? Perhaps you might learn from Dr. Mumpower’s example, rather than presuming to know what he needs to do to: live his ‘mission’, not ‘hold himself back,’ ‘attract resources’ and ‘breathe like a baby’. Spare me your elitist BS.

  3. Carrie

    “Carl is the one with the balls to run for public office, all the while being ridiculed by idiots–not you”

    He should be ridiculed. He and the Stompers are sad, sad, people. As for balls, he has none.

  4. john

    Carrie, Thank you for an excellent illustation proving my point–the one you have quoted here.

  5. BusGreg

    I wouldn’t vote for another repug if it ran for dog-poop-scooper-upper! After what the repugs have done to our country and our standing in the world, I won’t waste any more time on this or any other right wing loser!

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