As a career teacher at all levels from kindergarten through graduate school, 1949 to 1997, I know that the future hope of the USA lies in the education of its children from preschool through graduate studies. I could never have completed my studies at the master’s or doctoral level without the help of the GI Bill for Korean veterans.
The American public doesn’t want to have a free ride; they are willing to pay a fair share for education—as my wife and I did during the ‘60s for our two daughters. The older one, almost 51, paid off her college loans but is now unemployed. The younger one, just 49, had her undergraduate studies completed because the two of us paid off her student loan. We both worked. If either of us were unemployed, we couldn’t have made it on my teacher’s salary. Stop nitpicking and pass this bill!
— William D. Mandle
Wow. Who do you work for and how much did they pay you to write this letter? Or are you simply an unwitting mockingbird?
Another propaganda piece … You are a career teacher through all levels of education? That is quite an accomplishment although it states nothing regarding the validity of your anecdote with regard to this socialist rape of our economy. The GI Bill is still in place. Pell grants are still available. What else are you looking for other than further subsidies to an occupation that is paid a full time salary for a 9 month job and perhaps fully subsidized higher education for the children of educators? The better question would be why do expect us to pay for your nirvana? From what you described, you have had a successful career unimpeded by a lack of anything. Perhaps you should advocate this society get off the teat of socialist government and succeed as you did. Your GI Bill was earned by your service to your country. You can at least expect it to continue being earned rather than handed out as an entitlement.
I agree travelah. I am so tired of seeing teachers cruising around in their limos! Good education is so over-rated!