It is truly sad to see how our politicians in our two-party nightmare turned their backs on millions of American consumers.
Five months ago, Congress passed a law curbing credit-card companies and banks from imposing fees and interest rate hikes on consumers. To everyone's amazement, these institutions were given until February 2010 to make corrections. Suze Orman, CNBC Consumer Money Advocate, stated that this was a terrible injustice against all consumers in America because the law should have started the day the bill passed Congress.
All consumers holding credit cards, except our politicians, the wealthy super elite who hold credit cards with fixed rates between 2 and 4 percent, are seeing their interest rates increased between 8 and 13 percent. The companies are not even screening individuals to see if we have been paying our monthly bills in a respectful manner.
We are certainly living in a two-party disgrace! Vote out of office all politicians from North Carolina who voted for this law.
Discard your credit cards, and only purchase goods with cash or your checking accounts. We must also educate our children and grandchildren so that they do not get trapped into this greedy and selfish society where money rules and integrity walks.
— Frank Micciche
That is good advice.
I don’t get money back, airline miles or rewards points by using cash. I also lose two months of interest by paying for things right away rather than a month after the statement comes a month after the purchase. Why should I care about interest rates when I pay off the balance in full each month and pay no interest? Plus, my credit cards contain no cocaine residue or thong sweat from previous owners.
[b]Plus, my credit cards contain no cocaine residue or thong sweat from previous owners. [/b]
Some might see that as a drawback.
So we should keep all the politicians who didn’t vote for this law?
I’ve been concerned about thong sweat on my cash for several years now, and am most grateful this issue is at long last gracing the pages of the Mtn. Xpress.
Avoidance of CBTS (cash-based thong sweat) is a tricky balance, of course. Much like other conundrums in life, I feel like I’ve been alone in seeking ways to properly handle it, stay away from it, or –perish the thought– accept it.
Having it brought up here gives me hope. Thank you.