In a Sept. 30 report, CNN declares that Western North Carolina freshman congressman Mark Meadows is the “Architect of the brink” and “the man behind the government shutdown.” The Republican legislator represents the 11th District, which includes parts of Buncombe County.
Here’s some excerpts from the article:
Washington (CNN) — One of the most prominent developers of the plan that could shut the government down is a little-known congressman who has been in office only eight months.
This newly elected tea party aligned lawmaker downplays his position, saying he has relatively little influence. But in reality, his efforts have pushed Washington to the brink. …
In August, while lawmakers spent time in their districts, Meadows wrote a letter to his Republican leaders suggesting they tie the dismantling of Obamacare to the bill that funds the government for the next year. …
Meadows successfully convinced 79 of his colleagues to sign on to his letter. And he went further, leading a group of 40 lawmakers to demand that the continuing resolution, or the short-term government funding bill at issue, zeroes out funding for President Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement so far. …
“For me it’s about representing the 749,000 people I was elected to represent,” Meadows told CNN in his small Capitol Hill office. He said his constituents want him to fight against Obamacare “regardless of consequences.”
… Meadows successfully convinced a reluctant [Speaker John] Boehner to go along with his plan. …
“Regardless of the consequences”.
Shutting down the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smokey Mountains National Park during leaf since will be a nice kick in the teeth for the local businesses and jobs that depend on tourism.
It is supposed to be a lousy year for Fall colors anyway, thanks to the rain. A good time to once again close down the bloated, wasteful and unnecessarily expansive federal government and once again show the need to reduce it, and the accompanying deficits and debts.
But I dream…
I didn’t vote for him.
Dear Congressman:
Stop acting like kids on the playground and get the job done. We are fed up with this farce.
Thanks, Charlotte Alexander
A Quinnipiac poll, just released this morning, shows:
“American voters oppose 72 – 22 percent Congress shutting down the federal government to block implementation of the Affordable Care Act…”
“Voters also oppose 64 – 27 percent blocking an increase in the nation’s debt ceiling as a way to stop Obamacare…”
“American voters are divided on Obamacare, with 45 percent in favor and 47 percent opposed, but they are opposed 58 – 34 percent to Congress cutting off funding for the health care law to stop its implementation.”
“Republicans support the federal government shutdown by a narrow 49 – 44 percent margin, but opposition is 90 – 6 percent among Democrats and 74 – 19 percent among independent voters.”
“American voters disapprove 74 – 17 percent of the job Republicans in Congress are doing, their lowest score ever, and disapprove 60 – 32 percent of the job Democrats are doing.”
“Gridlock in Washington is mainly because Republicans are determined to block any Obama initiative, 55 percent of voters say, while 33 percent blame Obama’s lack of skill.”
Does anyone really think all of these ‘749,000’ constituents support Meadows efforts to subvert the economy and hurt the country’s credit rating just to placate a relative handful of boneheads that have hijacked the Republican Party, and who, like spoiled children, want to take their ball and go home if they don’t get their way?
Stop acting like a spoiled child and recognize that reality is not something you are free to invent. The damage you are inflicting on our country is not the will of the 749,000 people you claim as your constituents. Indeed, watch how few people you actually represent come next election.
Congressman Meadows, if you want to shut down the government instead doing your job, and working towards a solution, why do we, the taxpayers, have to continue to pay your salary while all other government workers are on furlough?
Thank goodness for representatives like Mr. Meadows. I would like to ask that all you tree hugging, liberal loving, race to the bottom, everybody gets a trophy lefties take this into consideration. When the house, senate and President passed this ACA law back in 2009 & 2010(revisions) not ONE Republican voted for it, not one! That is neither bipartisan, nor is it balance in government. Here is a lesson in Civics 101, the House pays the bills, 102 covers things like The President, Senate and House need to act like big boys and girls and not wet their pants every time we have a disagreement(for a later point I am sure). If you pass a law, then have to rely on those that you beat up while cramming it through to pay for it, you might want to get a few of them, nay, how about just 1 of them to agree to it. When 48% – 50% of the country disagrees with you, but you hold all three branches of gov’t you still have to govern the entire country, not just pass laws that are good for your 48% – 50%. What President Obama, Ex-Speaker Pelosi and Harry Read did to the American people was dubious, dishonest and disgusting at best. Here is something to keep in mind, never, not a single time did Presidents Reagan, or either Bush pass or sign a law that failed to have at least 1 Democrat signature. NEVER! So if anyone here is wrong it is OUR President and all the Lefties that are holding the US Citizens hostage for a law that over 50% of us do not like and more than 60% can not explain! After all we have to pass it before we can find out what’s in it! Here’s to a free Republic and to good representatives like Mr. Meadows who is not standing by and allowing the left to ruin this country. Again!!! Please keep in mind balance is required in all aspects of gov’t! If you do not believe me then please see Article 1 of the US Constitution! Thx!
First of all, there is no basis for the claim of “50% of us don’t like”; there are plenty of laws people “don’t like” but cannot pick and choose which to obey, at least not without risk. As for the notion that since no Republican voted for this, it should not be implemented is funny, given the fact that Senate Majority Leader McConnell publicly crowed that the Republican’s top priority was to see Obama fail.
If the Republicans think this law will be such a mess and they want to kill it, then they should quit acting like little spoiled kids, let it be implemented, and if it does end up a mess, they will win back Congress and the White House and can repeal it. That is how is is supposed to work when adults are in charge.
In actuality, the current Obamacare is not the same as the passed ACA law. First, Pres Obama granted waivers. That is illegal. The question bevomes, If it’s illegal, why isn’t he paying consequences? Good question!! The key is in the liberal/Democrat talking point: “it’s the law of the land.” But Obamacare as currently stands is NOT the law of the land because Obama re-legislated with all the waivers!
Second, if you grant a waiver to one person or group, you discriminate. Obama has made it possible for any person to oppose sign–up simply on the bases of both equality under the law (14th amendment) and common sense fairness. If certain companies get a waiver, they all do. If businesses get a waiver, all individuals do. The ACA law does NOT grant waivers, only objections. But Obamacare, not the same as ACA, is corruption personified.
Third, there were several statutory deadlines missed. When a statutory deadline is missed, the law is essentially dead and MUST be re-legislated. Why haven’t you heard this point made? Good question!!
The president does not get the option to rewrite the law by postponing and delaying the opening of exchanges. THAT is the reason why the exchanges opened on 10-1-13. If they didn’t, the law becomes null. Secondary reason: in the midst of fighting it out, they look incompetent. Third reason: the infliction of pain is beyond their concern. These are politicians, not your best friends.
So when the Tea Party or anyone else objects to Obamacare, they are correctly objecting to a law which has been illegally stripped of various mandates and deadlines (there is more i did not put in the post). As to ACA, that law is not capable to be implemented because Obamacare illegally changed it and now has become voided through time and mismanagement of process.
If we want lawfulness, we must agree on that. If lawfulness doesn’t matter to you, welcome to the REAL anarchy – Obamacare.
One last comment on this issue. It is instructive to read what one Republican has to say about shutting the government down (i.e. the ‘Hold My Breath Until I Turn Blue and Get My Way’ article of the Constitution):
“The Affordable Care Act is not European style health care. It does not prevent doctors from gaining the rewards of their hard work. It does not stop me from seeing my family doctor or force me to wait in government lines for aspirin. Like most government programs, it prioritizes policies in ways that benefit some people and hurt others. And, though time will tell, it very likely is an incomplete, overly expensive, and misguided step toward ensuring that all Americans have at least basic access to healthcare. But it is not an existential crisis.
The existential crisis is the one that tea party Republicans are creating. This crisis is abusing the give-and-take of the political process to such a degree that both our national pride and credit are at risk in the world. It is creating such a rift in the Republican Party that we have to spend more time defending rather than celebrating Republican ideals.
If tea party Republicans want to avoid an existential threat to the republic, they should remember that their first loyalty is not to defeating the Affordable Care Act or winning the next election. Their first loyalty is to the republic.”
This is the view of Justin Holbrook, Harvard-educated lawyer, active Air Force judge advocate, former Congressional aide to Congressman Istook (R-OK), former director of a clinic for disabled veterans and a law professor. In other words, someone other than a Tea Party numbskull.
Don’t forget that of the “50% of us don’t like” Obamacare, a significant portion don’t like it because it didn’t go far enough. These folks want to see it put into effect, and then expanded.
You have that right!
Just so I understand you fully, you are saying that if one political party holds the house, the senate and the presidency, it is ok for that party to strong arm the other party in order to get a law passed? The gridlock in Washington, the tea party in congress and the fact that nothing can get done is because he stopped at nothing to pass a law that will not work! Basic math, basic economics, basic common sense!
We have a Republic, not a majority mob rule political process. If Obama and the democrats were right in this case we wouldn’t have this problem. I am not saying the Republicans are right, I am saying they are both wrong! However you cannot stuff a law through the process, get no support from the other side and expect them to sit there and take it! These people may be idiots, but they are enforcing their constitutional rights! Dumb, dubious, moronic or not!
ok, what would you do differently? What more would you add/take away? How would you propose we pay for it? I would think that a sensible option may be something others might want or would also accept. For me I want health care, however my main concern is that gov’t typically is less than efficient, often we pay for gov’t services that are over priced and clog up our system causing problems with more important services. Why may I ask should anyone be forced to pay for anything they do not want? Can we not just open gov’t healthcare for the minority of people that cannot get it elsewhere? Why do we have to enforce this onto a population not wanting it. That just does not seem fair or American.
That, I would assume to you sounds good? I guess?
“…strong arm the other party in order to get a law passed?”
Strong-arm? Puleeeeze. A bi-partisan Senate Committee, with two DINOs, reported the bill out. It passed both Houses and withstood a Supreme Court challenge. It is the law of the land, and any attempt to show this disgraceful, juvenile tantrum as anything more than that is nonsense.
One bunch of loons who dislike a law are causing grievous harm to the most disadvantaged in our society, is harming the U.S. credit rating (like the same clowns did in the past) and is making this country the butt of jokes around the world. As Republican Peter Kind said over the weekend,