Letter: Price is the only candidate who can beat Meadows

Graphic by Lori Deaton

I write today in total support of Phillip Price, Democratic candidate for the 11th Congressional District. In my opinion, Mr. Price is the only candidate who can unseat Mark Meadows. I have heard all three candidates speak, and Mr. Price is the only one who seems to understand the people of this district.

Having lived here for his entire adult life — 30-plus years — and working all over the 16 counties taking down barns and farmhouses to make the lumber into furniture and wood panels for new homes, Mr. Price gets us because he is definitely one of us. Heck, he uses Obamacare for his health insurance!

That doctor — who sounds like a Republican wolf in sheep’s clothing — and that professor — who just seems to want to yell about his degrees — don’t seem to understand anything about what it is to struggle some. And Phillip sure knows about that. And the man sure can answer questions! He knows what is going on, and he has some great ideas to fix things in Washington.

Anyway, my guess is that Mr. Price will get a bunch of Democratic votes and a bunch of independent votes and maybe even a few GOP votes. And the doctor and the professor — well, they won’t. So please vote for Phillip Price for Congress as he is the only one who can defeat Meadows. We need to send Phillip to Washington!

— Thomas “Tommy” Smith


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3 thoughts on “Letter: Price is the only candidate who can beat Meadows

  1. NFB

    “That doctor — who sounds like a Republican wolf in sheep’s clothing “”

    Well, what I hear “the doctor” saying is that he supports single payer health care, believes climate change is real and caused by humans, wants reasonable gun control laws, and supports DACA and a path the citizenship as a part of immigration reform. What Republican is on board with those?

    And what is it withe supporters of Mr. Price? It seems that so many of the letters they write to MX and ACT have to include a swipe at his two opponents in the primary whereas letters from his opponents supporters simply make the case for their candidate.

    I have still not decided who to vote for in the primary, but this letter (and others like it) is a real turn off and does not serve Mr. Price well.

  2. Tothedogs

    It’s a shame that Mountain Xpress has provided little coverage of the 11th Congressional District, and how gerrymandering has impacted elections to skew right. We have Mark Meadows as our Congressman, not because he is popular, but because the district was re-written to favor a Republican. And without some overwhelming upswell of voters, this trend will continue.

    As a community newspaper, Mountain Xpress seems more keen on light coverage of politics, favoring the usual feel-good stuff that seems intent on avoiding anything weighty. If readers were aware of the heavy influence of “Dark Money” on our political system, and that we were essentially invaded by the Koch Brother’s apparatus, it might provide context on why we have seemingly become a hard-right state. But, no such coverage here, just fluff pieces on the same tame topics ad nauseum.

    You can read the full report on how the Koch’s took over North Carolina here: http://realkochfacts.americanbridge.org/app/uploads/sites/13/2016/10/North-Carolina-Report.pdf

    Mark Meadows has the full support of the Kochs, and Trump, since he has served as their lap dog from the beginning. Meadows serves them, not us. That’s the main thing to remember going into primaries and general elections. He is not there for the people of Western North Carolina, he serves another master. He is a fervent Trump supporter, going so far as to threaten our Justice system.

    Whether Phillip Price is the candidate to beat Meadows is to be seen, but no candidate will win without a grass roots uprising against the influence of the Koch Brothers on our state.

  3. luther blissett

    I don’t have a dog in the primary fight, but whoever wins should be willing to hammer Meadows from now until November on being an absentee representative who spends his entire time as a personal lackey for the White House. The 11th is one of the nation’s poorest districts and yet millionaire idiot Meadows thinks his job is to fly to Davos and cast aspersions on the DOJ.

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