Press release from Hemp & Heal:
Hemp & Heal will present an extraordinary lecture by thought leader Brian Clement, gamechanger, author, speaker and founder of the world-renowned Hippocrates Health Institute on Friday, March 15, 2019 from 6-9 p.m. at Asheville Social Hall.
Jonah Bolt Yolman, founder of Hemp and Heal, said, “As the founder of Hemp and Heal LLC, we are exceptionally pleased to bring Brian R. Clement, co-founder and director of Hippocrates Health Institute to the community of Asheville, NC. We are excited to co-create in a first-time-ever expose of truth and wisdom. I am honored and pleased to now have moved the company to Asheville and offer what will be an eye-opening event of powerful healing potential and the very latest and most significant information on health to our community.”
The lecture is an opportunity to learn about the tools to heal naturally and transform your life.
Dr. Michelle Weiner, local pain management physician, expressed “As a doctor doing my own research, I have seen a substitution effect using cannabis instead of pharmaceuticals to improve quality of life, treat pain and other debilitating conditions. Considering science has proven we have an endocannabinoid System that maintains homeostasis in our bodies, it’s undeniable the cannabis plant and all its components, as well as our receptor based system, will shape the future of medicine. It’s time to return to a more natural state integrating the mind and body to prevent disease and treat the root cause of illness.”
This Brian Clement guy seems questionable, to put it nicely: