Brittany Runs a Marathon

Movie Information

Jillian Bell's honest portrayal of a woman looking to turn her life around powers this inspiring dramedy with plenty of heart.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Paul Downs Colaizzo
Starring: Jillian Bell, Jennifer Dundas, Lil Rel Howery
Rated: R

Brittany Runs a Marathon is an inspiring dramedy with a lot of heart. The film centers on Brittany Forgler (Jillian Bell, 22 Jump Street), a 20-something party animal with a toxic lifestyle who takes up running to improve her health.

Written and directed by first-time feature filmmaker Paul Downs Colaizzo, the movie succeeds thanks to Bell’s charismatic portrayal of someone trying to get her life together. Brittany is a mess not only with regards to her physical health, but also in terms of her mental and emotional states. Seeing her work toward a better existence through sheer dedication elicits awe and respect, while her desire to run a 26.2-mile race and the victories she achieves toward reaching this goal are tear-inducing. As portrayed by Bell, Brittany is easy to like and empathize with, as well as funny and frustrating. More importantly, she feels like a real person.

Weight consciousness is featured prominently in Brittany Runs a Marathon, exhibiting just how damaging fat shaming can be. Brittany is both criticized for her weight and critical of the weight of others, which posits her as both the abuser and the abused — dual roles that depict the issue honestly and make several scenes difficult to watch. The script likewise brings to life the actions of friends and family who constitute her support system and stresses in a manner neither harsh nor coddling that, even with outside help, her battles are primarily internal.

Thoroughly heartfelt and with only a few flaws, Brittany Runs a Marathon is a true feel-good film and deserves to be seen for its copious laughs and inspiring message.

Starts Sept. 6 at the Fine Arts Theatre

About Cameron Allison
Film lover. Anime lover. Manga lover. Ask me about Lu over the Wall or Coraline.

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