[Regarding “Residents Weigh In on Proposed East Asheville Homeless Shelter,” Aug. 18, Xpress:] We have got to be smarter than the average rock!
The city recently purchased a tract of land by the Deaverview area. Immediate use should be for this shelter. Why spend money for another site just because there is money available? There are better uses for the available money that would enable existing programs to supplement and/or expand services for more of our community!
Why are we consumed so much by the groups of campers and homeless? They have camped along the French Broad River for years and were grateful for the off-the-grid lifestyle, so why not create/build a nice campground? That recently purchased tract of land comes to mind.
— Reuben DeJernette
yeah, because if you want more of a particular behavior, subsidize it!
The “campers” have not proven to be good neighbors 99% of the time. Even when facilities are provided for trash and needles, the area is a total haz-mess. I don’t live near that area so my opinion doesn’t matter but the surrounding neighborhoods may have concerns.