Important primary election dates, facts to note

Press release from League of Women Voters of Asheville-Buncombe County:

It’s Primary Season!

Our Voter Services action team is gearing up for the NC Primary Election May 17.

Important Primary Election Dates:

  • 04/22/2022   Voter registration deadline for Primary Election
  • 04/28 – 05/14/2022 Early Voting for the Primary Election
  • 05/10/2022  Last date to Request Absentee Ballot for Municipal Election
  • 05/17/2022 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY (must vote at assigned polling place)
  • 05/17/2022 Last day to mail (postmark) absentee ballots (but please don’t wait – mail it early!)
  • 05/20/2022 Mailed Absentee Ballot must be received by Board of Elections or it will not count

Here are some specific facts to note:

  • Buncombe County will have 10 Early Voting locations. You can find a location and hours of operation here.
  • Absentee Ballot requirements have changed from the 2020 election! If you’re voting Absentee this Primary Election, please read the Voter Facts sheet or visit the Board of Elections website. For the 2022 election year, Absentee Ballots have to be witnessed by two people or a Notary Public must sign it.
  • Ballottrax is back this election year so you can track the progress of your Absentee Ballot here.

We recommend that you print out the following document and keep it handy for all the voting information you need: Primary Election 2022 Facts for Voters in Buncombe County. And as always, we urge everyone to check here that their registration is active and correct before voting; and remember to use VOTE411 to find out who’s on your ballot and get candidate information.
If you have questions, you can always contact us or call Buncombe County Election Services at (828) 250-4200. Their website also has all the information you need to vote safely and securely.

We will be sending out information on Voter Registration training (via Zoom) soon! If you can’t make it on the day we host training, it will be recorded for viewing later. We’ll have more opportunities to register voters before the General Election date in November.

For our tabling events, we’re including information that all voters need to know, such as:

  • How to register
  • Early Voting
  • How to request an Absentee Ballot
  • How to submit an Absentee Ballot
  • Key dates
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