Walk Hendo! Rank the most important pedestrian projects in online survey

Press release from city of Hendersonville:

Hendersonville, NC (May 12, 2023) – Area residents and visitors can take part in improving Hendersonville’s pedestrian experience by completing the Walk Hendo Pedestrian Plan online survey. Anyone who lives in, works in, or visits Hendersonville is encouraged to visit www.hvlnc.gov/walkhendo by May 31 to complete a short survey that will be used to finalize a new pedestrian plan for the City. Pedestrian plans determine sidewalk and greenway priorities and are important tools in securing the funding needed to complete the identified projects.

“The Walk Hendo Pedestrian Plan is an important tool for the City,” said Matthew Manley, Strategic Projects Manager with Hendersonville’s Community Development Department. “Community feedback is truly the foundation of any plan. The public plays a critical role in bringing up areas that need attention, affirming issues identified by staff and consultants, and then in helping to prioritize the recommended solutions.”

The Walk Hendo Steering Committee developed the set of pedestrian infrastructure projects out of last summer’s community input sessions in collaboration with the transportation consulting firm Traffic Planning & Design. Walk Hendo is Hendersonville’s pedestrian planning process to identify the community’s vision, strategies, goals, and recommended actions for creating safe places to walk. The project began in the spring of 2022 and is expected to be completed in the late summer or early fall of 2023.

Once the plan is adopted, the City and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) can use it to direct how projects are constructed, make policy choices, design programs and events, and apply for new types of funding.

Earlier this month, the City of Hendersonville accepted in-person feedback on the proposed set of pedestrian projects. The online survey to collect similar feedback is available at www.hvlnc.gov/walkhendo until May 31.

Walk Hendo is made possible with a grant from NCDOT. Contact Rachael Bronson at Traffic Planning & Design for more information: rbronson@trafficpd.com or 828.575.0133.

Additional project details are available at www.hvlnc.gov/walkhendo.


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