Statement from A-B Tech President John Gossett

Press release from A-B Tech:
Hello, this is John Gossett, President of A-B Tech. My prayers are with our employees, students and community.  We have experienced a catastrophe unlike any other in WNC.  I know you and your families are struggling and hurting, as am I, from the loss we have experienced. North Carolinians from across the state have reached out to me about how they can help. Like all emergencies, there are always people running forward to help. There are many people running toward WNC!
Before cell service went out last Friday, County Manager Avril Pender called me to ask for our help. The answer was an immediate and emphatic “YES”.  A-B Tech is proud to partner with local and state governments in the relief efforts.  We have opened three buildings for disaster relief, and I’ve seen several of our employees volunteering their expertise. Thank you to our law enforcement officers who have been on campus since the storm began. Also, thanks to our building and grounds staff who began cleaning up the downed trees on campus as soon as the weather broke on Friday.
The Executive Committee of the A-B Tech Board of Trustees have agreed that classes will be suspended until at least October 14.  At that point, we will reassess our infrastructure and let you know as quickly as possible if the suspension needs to be extended. We have confidence that our friends at Buncombe County, Duke Energy, the various cell providers, and Asheville Water and Sewer will get our infrastructure operational as quickly as possible.
My word for you: take care of yourself and those you love.  A-B Tech will be here when this disaster is over, at which time we will back to providing excellent higher education as quickly as we can.
Donation link to support A-B Tech students and employees:
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