All Souls Counseling Center reopening planned for Thursday, Oct. 10

Press release from All Souls Counseling Center:

Our thoughts and prayers are with community members who have been affected by Hurricane Helene. It is difficult to put into words what we have experienced as a community, but like many of you, we have been inspired by neighbors helping neighbors and so much support coming into our community from all over the world.

While our Center has been closed, our team members have been out in the community doing what we can to provide mental health resources during this devastating time and we’ve been collaborating with local partners to establish mental health comfort stations in the hardest-hit areas. Thankfully, our Center was not damaged, and we are preparing to reopen this Thursday, 10/10, which just so happens to be “World Mental Health Day”. Our phone lines are still down, however we are actively working on a solution. If anyone needs immediate assistance, please email
If you’d like to support our efforts, donations can be made via our website at For questions about donations or grants, please reach out to Mary Waller, Development Director, at Your support ensures we can continue to serve those in need. Thank you for standing with us!
-The All Souls Counseling Center Team
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