Asheville Regional Airport hosts first-ever “Fire Truck and Treat” event on Oct. 31

Press release from Asheville Regional Airport:

(ASHEVILLE, N.C.) – Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) is excited to invite the community to its first-ever “Fire Truck and Treat” drop-by, family-friendly event on October 31, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

This special drop-by event offers a unique opportunity for children to visit the airport and check out AVL’s impressive Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting truck, meet the airport’s friendly fire fighters, police officers and Paws for Passengers volunteers, and do a little trick-or-treating.
“With everything our region has been through during this past month, we wanted to host a family-friendly free event, to share a positive and fun activity for our neighbors,” said Lew Bleiweis, President and CEO. “With the help of Mars Inc, we invite families with kids to attend our ‘AVL Fire Truck and Treat’ event.”
The event is free and open to the public. Families are encouraged to come in costume, snap photos with the fire truck and pet the Paws for Passengers pups. Candy and treats will be available for children, between 4pm and 6pm (as long as supplies last).

Event Details:

What: AVL Fire Truck and Treat
When: October 31, 2024 | 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Where: Asheville Regional Airport — Cell Phone Lot (Free onsite parking — watch for signage)
Who: Kids of all ages — Free and open to the public
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