We admire Zen‘s photographic eye — he has a way of capturing the unique in the everyday, some special sparkle we might have missed. He gets it. And it’s not just Xpress that thinks so: the social-media community has awarded him Best Photo/Art Blog for several years in a row, at its annual Blogapalooza event.
We also admire his spirit and his joie de vivre, which shines through in everything he does.
So we highly recommend you come out for a reception of his work tonight at Harvest Records. His new show, Standing There, will be up at Harvest for most of May, but tonight promises to be good fun. Here are the details, from the artist himself:
“A collection of photographic images found composed at the feet of local photographer Zen Sutherland opens May 6 at Harvest Records.
Zen Sutherland’s photos have appeared in many local magazines and online sites such as ImageAsheville and his photography provides wall-sized backgrounds in the rooms, hallways and lobby of Asheville’s Indigo Hotel. He considers himself mostly an abstract photographer.
An artist reception of sorts will be held there from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, May 6, featuring light food from 444 Gallery. Several times during the opening, Zen will lightly entertain with piano and misguided explanations of his work. Free.”
Harvest Records is located in West Asheville at 415 Haywood Road. 258-2999.
Find on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=168248383225061
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/zensutherland
Photoblog: http://zenasheville.blogspot.com/
I have to say that i had a fabulous time and appreciate Matt and Mark for letting us have what amounted to a block-party in their store. While i sold a bunch of photographs, more important was the wonderful turnout of friends, co-workers, strangers and other photographers that made me feel like a million bucks!
Playing the piano was a fun distraction, too!
Definitely take a sec to stop by Harvest and see this… a really fun look at the world around us!