emma’s revolution benefit CD release concert on Sunday, Aug. 26

emma’s revolution, the project of activist musicians Pat Humphries & Sandy O., is all about creating “new standards in the art and culture of social justice.” The duo holds a benefit for National Day Laborer Organizing Network’s DREAM Act Solidarity Bus Trip to the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, “to help keep the pressure […]

Tough love

The inside flaps of just-released book, Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar, are covered with nuggets of wisdom: “Forgiveness doesn’t just sit there like a pretty boy in a bar.” “Every last one of us can do better than give up.” “Walk without a stick into the darkest woods.” That […]

High aspiration­s

Clouds of Greer play a benefit for Big City Mountaineers. Local climber Eben Henner is raising money for the organization (which provides outdoor experiences for under-resourced urban teens) by summiting Grand Teaton peak — and by throwing this fundraising party at Altamont Brewing Company on Saturday, Aug. 4.

August is upon us

Wednesday, Aug. 1, is a big day. First of the month? Dog days of summer? We’re not sure why, we just know there a bunch of events scheduled that shouldn’t be missed: A YA author event, a new wave show and Jerry Garcia’s birthday are among the options. (There’s a ticket giveaway, too!)