Almost famous

“Independent bands have a hard time getting clout,” says Victoria Karol, who’s organizing the first Music Video Asheville event (in addition to her work handling publicity for local pop group SeepeopleS and managing new movie-and-dining venue Cinebarre). Silver screen sounds: Stephanie’s Id (pictured), SeepeopleS, The Makeout Room and other local bands will present their music […]

Lords a-leaping

It used to be that the widely held American conception of Irish culture culminated in leprechauns, green beer and a penchant for belting out choruses of “Danny Boy.” Along came Michael Flatley, and all that changed. Well, not exactly, but it is true that despite the fact that the number of New York City residents […]

The old stomping ground

Literary Trails of the North Carolina Mountains: A Guidebook (University of North Carolina Press, 2007) by Georgann Eubanks is a revelation. In turns historic tome, travel guide, Southern-heritage volume and trivia collection, the book is exactly the sort of thing that’s so obvious it’s a wonder no one wrote it sooner, and such an ambitious […]

Furry Fads

The top two pets these days are cats and dogs, and among the most-chosen names are Max and Sam. No surprises there. But as long as humans and beasts have roamed the earth, they’ve been working out the finer points of the cohabitation arrangement. Beyond pooper-scoopers, “Best in Show” awards and matching dog-and-owner sweaters, hard-core […]

Folk all of youse

You thought you knew “Kumbaya,” that most ubiquitous of summer-camp songs foisted on unsuspecting Christian youths jacked up on bug juice and dazed by a crackling fire. “Let’s have a sing-a-long,” suggests a chipper counselor, who then strums that simpering tune on her acoustic guitar. Blue, period: Cookie LaRue may have schooled Mitchell, Dylan and […]

Come on in my kitsch-en

A lot has been written about the DIY movement in recent years, but for those who enjoy making something—yet aren’t compelled/motivated/experienced enough to embark on a knitted afghan or decoratively painted highboy—never fear. Your crafting book has arrived. Local designer Suzie Millions, a professional artist who admits to inheriting the “festooning” gene, just published The […]