Unhappily ever after

“I’m just a coat rack,” says local dramatist Holiday Childress, best known for fronting carnival-rock band The Goodies. Choked on a peach? Terpsicorps dancer Sadie Harris embodies the haunting, waifish look you want in an Edward Gorey character. Photo by Jeff Cravotta Make that “a moving coat rack that sings falsetto, a place for talented […]

Top drawer: fashion news and views

Beyond the pale On Saturday, June 16, arts patrons painted the town (downtown Asheville, that is) white in honor of the Asheville Area Arts Council’s White Ball fundraiser. Lavish parties, eclectic entertainment and food and drink from area restaurants added to the atmosphere but the evening was really about turning out in the best snowy-hued […]

Twenty-nine and holding …

For The Hold Steady, revamping their bar-band image doesn’t mean resorting to good behavior. The Hold Steady: They’re an American band. When you’re not as young as you used to be, it’s more about creative consumption. “The big thing I’ve learned is … not to drink until about 10 minutes before we go on, and […]

Top Drawer

• Though silent-film star Louise Brooks is widely associated with the flapper-era bob haircut, it was actually dancer Irene Castle who cropped her hair for convenience in 1915, sparking a trend. The highly controversial chop (after centuries of elaborate long ‘dos) eventually became the go-to style for women of all ages and hair types and, […]

Literary evolution

There’s a rumor that when author F. Scott Fitzgerald took up residence at the Grove Park Inn, he weaned himself off hard liquor by downing dozens of bottles of beer each day. He also insisted on a room overlooking the main entrance so he could scope out arriving debutantes, and, in a drunken fit, shot […]