Mission sets 10-minute goal for emergency patient care, document obtained by Watchdog shows

Mission Hospital has enacted drastic operational changes, including rapid turnaround time goals for emergency department patients and their lab work and enhanced communication procedures, all as state investigators have returned to the Asheville facility this week following recent federal findings of serious deficiencies and immediate jeopardy.

CMS report on Mission Hospital details deaths of patients, significan­t delays in care

The 384-page document details why CMS placed the hospital in immediate jeopardy, the most serious sanction a hospital can face. It spotlights not only patient deaths and long delays in care but also a lack of available rooms, a lack of governing bodies “responsible for the conduct of the hospital,” and multiple leadership failures.

‘I was beginning to feel like I was on a sinking ship,’ says former Mission hospitalis­t

Dr. Scott Joslin is one of more than 130 doctors who signed a public letter in October decrying HCA Healthcare for “gutting” the local health care system and is the physician most cited — 17 times — in a lawsuit against HCA filed by Democratic gubernatorial candidate and North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein in December.

HCA lawyer blasts North Carolina Attorney General’s investigat­ive demand as ‘legally improper’

“Mission has not breached the APA [asset purchase agreement],” the letter said, referring to the contract governing HCA’s 2019 purchase of then nonprofit Mission Health for $1.5 billion. “Mission is now, and always has been, in full compliance with that contract and often exceeds its obligations under the APA.”