Mark Meadows portrait

From AVL Watchdog: The race for the GOP nomination in the 11th Congressio­nal district could embarrass Trump

As the race for the GOP nomination heads to the June 23 climax, Bennett appears by many indicators to be locked in a desperate race against 24-year-old political neophyte Madison Cawthorn of Hendersonville. A victory by Cawthorn, a political unknown until weeks ago, will be seen as a humiliating defeat for Bennett, a longtime GOP functionary.

Asheville Police Chief David Zack

From AVL Watchdog: Asheville arrest data suggest discrimina­tion against Black people

African Americans in Asheville are three times more likely than white people to be searched by police in traffic stops and are disproportionately charged with common crimes such as marijuana possession in disparities that experts in police bias called shocking, an AVL Watchdog analysis of police data found.

White Duck Taco Shop

From AVL Watchdog: $5M TDA relief bill for small businesses helps hotels too

Coronavirus relief is just the latest topic in an ongoing debate over whether the Tourism Development Authority, with its mission to bring ever more overnight guests to Buncombe County, is good for county residents — or just good for the hotel industry that has controlled it since its inception nearly four decades ago.