Asheville City Council

Predatory towing ordinance approved Crowne Plaza expansion a go Compromise gets pet crematorium OK’d Three subsidized housing developments are in dire need of refurbishing, according to a study funded jointly by the city and the Asheville Housing Authority. That was the word from David Nash, the Authority’s deputy director, at the Asheville City Council’s March […]

TDA grant helps fund Moogseum

The Bob Moog Foundation’s planned Moogseum has gotten a $600,000 boost from the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority. The money will help the foundation, which honors the work of the late Asheville resident Bob Moog, move forward with plans for an “interactive exploratorium” of the electronic-music pioneer’s musical and technical achievements. The group hopes to […]

Transit plan in transit

Change is afoot as the Asheville Transit System moves closer to completing a Transit Master Plan. On Thursday, April 2, consultants from HDR Engineering will present recommendations based on the public input gathered since January concerning potential transit improvements. On the dock: more frequent service on Patton Avenue, Haywood Road and Tunnel Road and a […]

Taking care of BIDness

When the draft Downtown Master Plan lands on Asheville City Council members’ desks sometime this spring, it will include at least one controversial recommendation by consultants Goody Clancy: that the city form an independent management entity to oversee certain public services traditionally provided by city government. Both the management entity and the services rendered would […]