The (non)enfor­cers

“The Planning and Development Department staff respects the Unified Development Ordinance and makes reasonable interpretations within the authority entrusted in them.” – Planning & Development Director Scott Shuford Looming problem: Use of the Greenlife loading dock requires large trucks to park illegally within a UDO-mandated sight-visibility triangle. photo by Jodi Ford A review of three […]

Garden Journal

Sluggish days, flashy nights: Humid weather brings out the slugs in even the best neighborhoods. If your tender-leaved plants (basil and lettuce in particular) are looking motheaten by day with no sign of insect pests, examine your plants after dark, by flashlight. Chances are you’ll find slugs chowing down on your future pesto. Hand picking […]

Bug buddies

Each of these creatures puts the hurt on one or another of the bugs that bug me, and they’d be happy to be your bug buddies, too. The jury is still out — perhaps dismissed and sent home? — on companion planting. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t; maybe it works for some folks and […]

Magick in Montford

What it means to be human: Stephanie Hickling as Prospero and Chris McLoughlin as Ariel. photo by Joe Franklin The Montford Park Players have kicked off their 34th season with William Shakespeare’s final play — one which, to many aficionados, is his finest romance. The Tempest combines the best of the Bard’s tragic and comic […]

Bedding down for the season

Raised-bed gardening provides multiple benefits for home gardeners. It facilitates a no-till approach, lets one focus amendments and nutrients instead of broadcasting them, makes weeding easier, and — depending on the height of the beds — can even eliminate much of the back bending demanded by field crops. On the downside, it pretty much eliminates […]

Garden Journal

Think fall: Now that summer has officially started, it’s time to begin planting autumn crops. Brussells sprouts and cabbage are long-season crops that are at their best after light frost. Of course, the brassica family tends to suffer serious summer caterpillar damage and therefore exacts vigilance from organic gardeners. While some folks use bacillus thuringiensis […]

Turning the tide on homelessne­ss

A new strategy for helping the homeless is sweeping the nation. Eighteen months ago, the Asheville City Council and Buncombe County Board of Commissioners signed onto the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, making Greater Asheville the 108th urban area to join. Since then, the roster of participating municipalities has swelled to more than 300, […]

Buncombe County Commission

“The higher you go above revenue-neutral, the less efficient you are planning to be.” — Weaverville resident Clarence Young Outside the Buncombe County Courthouse, a picket line wound around and among hundreds of traffic violators — the usual Tuesday night-court crowd — before the Board of Commissioners’ June 20 meeting. Signs, stickers, buttons and hats […]

Death of a salesman?s sons

In our post-Enron, post-WorldCom era — with Vice President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton piling up huge profits from no-bid contracts in Iraq and New Orleans while children of poverty enlist and die — a dramatization of World War II profiteering, corruption, family loyalty and greed seems as immediate as the evening news. Thus Arthur Miller’s All […]

Garden Journal

Therapy in the garden: Pathways-Life After Cancer will hosts its third annual Garden Party and Yard Art Auction in Adelaide Key’s garden at 300 Webb Cove Rd. this Saturday, June 24, from 1 to 4 p.m., in honor of all who are living with, through and beyond cancer. The afternoon will include wine and light […]

Flatwater Jack

Relaxin’ on the river: The author idly adrift on a gentle stretch of the French Broad. photo by Lee Anne Smith Western North Carolina is pointy-headed and steep, which means that much of the surface water is white and moving downhill fast. Consequently, most of the boating opportunities hereabouts involve sudden drops and lots of […]

Garden Journal

Mowin’ grandma’s yard: With summer upon us, many seniors need assistance with mowing and lawn maintenance. If you like working outdoors and want to volunteer in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison or Transylvania counties, call the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program at 251-6622 (800-727-0557 toll-free), or send an e-mail to If you want it, here it […]

Buncombe County Commission

The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners held a special session May 23 to consider buying new voting machines. Trena Parker, director of the Board of Elections, led off the meeting with a brief explanation of why new machines are needed. A new state law requires that all voting systems produce a paper record of every […]

Buncombe County Commission

“I have been amazed to see the cost of public safety increase to the point where it nearly equals our expenditures for human services. I hope that doesn’t continue.” — County Manager Wanda Greene Armed with a PowerPoint presentation featuring pie charts and bar graphs, County Manger Wanda Greene delivered her proposed 2006-07 budget at […]

Tomatoes: up, down or sideways?

The prospect of sliding a knife into a delectably juicy, lusciously red, vine-ripe tomato has probably drawn more folks into home gardening than any other fantasy. While nearly any fresh vegetable or fruit tastes better than the namesake stuff picked hours or days or weeks before and delivered to a farmers’ market or grocery, a […]

Look homeward, ET

It’s no news that Asheville is a tourist destination. But maybe the Chamber of Commerce and the Tourism Development Authority haven’t set their sights high enough. The truth is in there? Former Asheville resident Steven Greer, a long-time extraterrestrial enthusiast, returns next week for a presentation at UNCA. Dr. Steven Greer, a former Biltmore Forest […]

Bedtime story

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the gravel in my new back yard and my plan for getting rid of it. That prompted a diversity of reader responses; perhaps the most unusual was the suggestion that I suck it up with a shop vac — taking care to use a heavy-duty paper filter, […]

Buncombe County Commission

“At the end of this week, there was going to be an announcement that there were three votes on this board for countywide zoning.” — Nathan Ramsey, chairman, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Four Buncombe County commissioners faced a roomful of residents sporting “No Zoning” buttons and stickers at the Board of Commissioners’ April 25 […]

To the victor, the soils?

I have thrice confronted more daunting garden challenges than the one now glaring up at me from the yard below my office window. Three times I have cleared forested land to sate my penchant for growing crops other than acorns, beech nuts and pinones. Then again, I was, respectively, 35, 26 and 23 years younger […]

Buncombe County Commission

Six Democrats are vying for the chance to challenge Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford, a Republican who’s served in that capacity since 1994, in the general election this November. For the first time ever, last week the candidates in the May 2 primary participated in a public debate. In an April 11 forum moderated by […]